
General News

3 February, 2022

Back to School: Horsham Primary School 298 and Rusmussen campus preps get creative in their first week

Horsham Primary School 298 and Rusmussen campus prep students are jumping into their first year with smiles.

By San Williams

BUSY BEES: Prep students Bridget, Addison, Amelia and Addi are cooking up a storm at Horsham Primary School 298 campus. Photo: SAN WILLIAMS.
BUSY BEES: Prep students Bridget, Addison, Amelia and Addi are cooking up a storm at Horsham Primary School 298 campus. Photo: SAN WILLIAMS.

THERE was excitement and laughter all-round as prep students of Horsham Primary School 298 and Rusmussen campus jumped into their activities for the first days of school in 2022.

Horsham Primary School 298 campus prep students Bridget, Addison, Amelia and Addi, pictured, were showing their early love for cooking and sharing their favourite foods with one another.

Related: Back to School: Ss Michael and John’s and Horsham West preps are ready to learn


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